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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thank you Guys!

I was made-up to write about my love history as per my plan but I thought what if I could take time to let people know why I blog and who make me blog!! Thank you guys!! I am motivated!!

Wel come to the World of Blogging!! There is variety of reasons that made people blog. For starters blog is almost a free medium to everybody. There are no specific rules when it comes to blog. Anybody who could write and have internet may blog. That's why it is easy for people to blog.

Blog in itself is a unique culture. Nowadays it is perceived as a fashionable thing to own a blog and actively blogging. Just look around and we could see that just about everybody is blogging.

"I don't want to be left behind!" Blog is really the hot thing among Internet users. Every day the number of blogger has increased. Having a blog simply means you are a normal person. No blog means you are a cave man! So no wonder blog has become the fastest growing application of Internet other than e-mail and normal website.

Actually, there are people who blog out of curiosity. I apparently had no clue or reason at all to start a blog. I could just simply blog by chances and knowledge imparted by below mentioned friends. All of a sudden, I become addicted to blog when I found many benefits and enjoyment out of blogging.

Blog is really a great, if not wonderful place to keep our memory of good things. Blog could act as an archive of data and personal historic facts. We could upload pictures, write an emotional testimony, log of great journeys and love memory, anything at all. This data will be kept in a server which we could recall them back whenever we feel like to do.

Blog has also been used to champion a cause or to convey any great messages. It could be used to reach voters for example. Debates, discussion, expressing opinion, all of this could be done through blog.

For some, writing a blog could be restorative way of handling sadness or coping with tragedy. Believe it or not, we could actually write away all our sadness by sharing it with the world through blog. Blog could be a place to safely store our personal memory.

There are friendships or even love has been made out of blog. You could interact with other fellow blogger and exchange ideas and learn something new. The blogger who has done well also can get recognition by their peers. This only motivated them to do better with blog.

In some way blog actually could be used as a popularity gauge. More visitors to our blog simply means more glamorous we are as a personality. Personalities all over the world used blog to communicate with our respective followers or admirers.

Reasons aside, blog is actually a fun thing to do. Some people do blog to enjoy themselves. They just simply love to blog because they enjoy doing it. I don't need any motivation or cause like money, politic or anything for that matter. I just blog and enjoy myself. This I would say, the most envied reasons of all cause that made people blog.

So let's join the ship. Let's just blog for the sake of blog. It is really fun and great to have a blog.

My sincere thanks and applaud goes to the following personnel:

Sonam Tobgay (http://sogyeltobgyel.blogspot.com/)
Tshering Tobgay, OL (http://www.tsheringtobgay.com/)
Leoparisca (http://leythro-darlo.blogspot.com/)
Langa Tenzin (http://www.langatenzin.com/)
Monu Tamang (http://www.monutamang.com/)
Madam Sangdee (http://brokshee.blogspot.com/)
Kunzang Thinley (http://shingkhar.blogspot.com/)
Passang Tshering (http://www.passudiary.com/)
Lekey wangdi(http://lekeywangdi.blogspot.com/)


  1. A nice post bro. You captured all the reasons and the fun in blogging. I agree with you. Had a nice time reading it. Keep blogging and I must not forget to thank you for listing me and my blog URL and applauding us. You are doing good too. Keep going bro.

  2. thank you for mentioning my name as well....:)...u makes me feel more responsible.....keep writing....

  3. "try not to become a man of success but a man of value".. thank u guys.....

  4. Hi Sangay,
    Enjoyed reading the post filled with numerous reasons why we/you blog. Blogger has been a good platform us to share what we feel and and what we think.
    Thanks a lot for your appreciation for me. And do keep posting. cheers.

  5. Thank u so much for i too inspired you in some ways.....
    and reasons u mentioned about bloogging are all true....it inspires us more to go on..
    blog is the window for people around to peep us directly into our heart...so keep posting bro...happy blogging..n may u find more reasons to blog again..:D

  6. Thank you for naming me in you list though I havent been blogging lately as much as I used to bt I have been following all the blogs listed in Blogyul and it is great to see your blog evolving meticulously...
    Keep Blogging and cheers to all the bloggers :)

    1. Mention not maim and due to inspiration got from your writing, I am into writing though it is not worthwhile!


I will love to read your constructive criticisms, if I may deserve.