On the black and
white of my feelings I wrote your name.
Heard that the life
is transient even then I am thy fame.
Before flowers around
me fade to fatality,
We’ll see the way to
our opportunity.
Don’t shun me for my
heart will melt of.
Don’t devastate my
dreams for I am fearful of.
Heard that our life
is like water and ice cube.
We face concurrent
living and breakdown for we’ll wipe.
High on the mountain
of promising sun rays I see your face.
Downhill through the
thick jungle I find loads of burly base,
That it’ll clutch our
strong assurance so tight.
And let the mountain
full of promise be our divine delight.
Down the plain of
winding river of our existence,
I see the evaporating
happiness of thy sweet fragrance.
Along the
crisscrossing bank ablaze with beautiful daffodils,
I see the different
coexistence making deals,
For all things and
happenings are fixable for teeth are brushable.
Like crushed flowers
our beauty will lost forever!
Like dress rehearsal
we believe grand concert is yet to appear!
We think and gossip
most about the success of Bill Gate,
And we rarely do the
success of Gandhi for I bet.