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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Dedication to Lyonchen Jigme Yeozer Thinley - II

Beyond the law of the land there is a law of humanity which is way above

Beyond the law of the land there is a law of humanity which is way above. I was into social networking sites since the day I joined the college. It is the platform use for both good and bad. There is a choice of anonymous and real. Users go for anonymous to defame and allege someone. But the truth behind is never known to be unknown and defame to the best possible extend with whatever vocabulary they choose to portray. Given a choice of anonymous, people overlook the human ethic and self-censorship. 

In the little country that is hardly known to outside world and that people believe in lay jumdray the proximity of social division is questionable. It is not more than even a decade being into a democracy. But the things shapes like the democracy was legendary. 

It is indeed very sad that the person who was involved in shaping cause of the nation way long ago since the start of his career ultimately step-down. It was celebrating for few and a great lost for many and to the nation. What were done and contributed to his motherland became agenda for few groups to defame and allege him on baseless ground. The endless debate about the seeming negligence of the former government resulted nothing but a division in unity that we were.  But I hope the successful formation of new government was the best rejuvenation. 

Every step that the country and its people move ahead is a success. It is the new thing for the new times and change for the cause. Definitely people yearn for the change. But the change with unfairness and involving outside force is not a good sign of good change. It is indeed very sad that the India was involved directly or indirectly in the second general election. It is the direct question that we subject need to ask about the sovereignty of country. 

Does the meeting with Chinese government was clandestine? Or does it was a clandestine operation of JYT? Does JYT’s act really contravene? Does this was the caprice of one man? 

Involvement of India in Bhutanese election has resulted to the question of sovereignty of GHN Bhutan and the dignity of first democratic leader is completely spoiled. 

Don’t we need to optimize our own unity and identity?

It is the remedial measure we have opted for by rejecting JYT? 

So, lastly I wish his Excellency the former PM a good and healthy life ahead. You will be in the heart of many no matter what few social media users defined to tag you for. 

My simple poem dedicating for your excellency; 

The horizon was clear and wide,

The beautiful flower was in aroma of midge.

The country made a long journey,

The bounty was not like in tourney.

Jigme Yeozer Thinley, the ex- PM,

You will be remembered round the a.m and p.m,

Round the clock the country desires you,

Abiding memories under thy leadership,

True citizen is inscribed in you - the son of Bhutan!!

Trashi Delek!!


  1. nice one boss.....

  2. I joined You in thanking our unforgettable icon of country,Bhutan. And good writing and good way of thanking.

  3. I joined you in thanking our unforgettable leader of country............

  4. You have forgot to describe the other side of the coin... My friend

  5. You forgot to describe the other side of the coin...my friend

  6. the author of this article...i congratulate you for your meaningful article...i wanna request you one thing...can you please narrate your poem in english...am so interested to know in depth...i like your article

  7. Very good article. May you live in peace la Lyonchen. We cannot forget your contribution and dedication to Bhutan. We will always cherish you in our hearts. You place is in our hearts, not on our lips or papers.

  8. I really liked this article....n we me u la Lyonchen

  9. Nicely penned Mr. Sangay. May the clean thought of consciousness grow in our citizen, may the best of choice be harnessed from the Mighty gift of throne, may Drukgyul shine forth in peace and harmony.

  10. Extremly Inspiring piece of article.


I will love to read your constructive criticisms, if I may deserve.