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Monday, October 17, 2022


The journey of my study was filled with recurrent question of ‘Why CST, why not Australia or other countries for masters?’, from anyone who I informed that I am on study leave to College of Science and Technology. I considered this on positive note, as the lone civil servant in the first batch of the Masters in Construction Management course, I was dedicated to upgrading my knowledge and abilities in the local context to find solutions to problems unique to Bhutan. Self-tenacity overruled all barriers along the journey of this study.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Royal Government of Bhutan, College of Science and Technology and Department of Roads for the opportunity to pursue masters my graduate studies.

It is virtually impossible to carry out research of any scale without the cooperation and support of those who are not only generous in time, but also consciously choose to help in any possible ways. I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Chimi Wangmo for reading the various drafts of the dissertation and for the suggestions and feedback. Your guidance and insights throughout the dissertation was informative and inspiring. I am also very grateful for the autonomy and scope to think my own thoughts and follow my logical instincts.

Sincere gratitude to Dr. Kazuhiro Marumatsu, Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, who despite his busy schedules, provided value guidance and mentorship in the development of proof of concept model. Your time has had a great impact on the research study. Thanks to Madam Karma Kelzang Yuden for your time for editing the draft of the chapter on proof of concept. 

I would also like to acknowledge the time and expert opinion of interviewees mostly heads of the organizations, who made themselves available for the interview, despite their very busy schedule. Their inputs and insights made this thesis possible.

I would also like to thank the Research Supervisory Committee for their valuable feedback and critical comments that helped to fine tune my thesis.

Finally, my endearing and enduring gratefulness to my family, who have remained the bedrock of my study.

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

རྩོམ་རྗོད་ཚིག་བདུན་མ། - ༦












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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Along Phuntsholing – Samtse – Tendu Highway

Covid pandemic has caged physically and the academic workload has sealed mentally within the boundary of college campus. The craving to go out was impatient. Wander within the campus was adequate and bored. Finally, rays of hope risen with drastic drop of number of positive cases and college relaxing the containment mode.

Overhead signboard at Chukha - Samtse boarder

Casually, the idea to go out to a place never visited before popped up; the name of the place – Samtse! Discussion further enhanced to stretch until the furthest – Sibsu. Yet, the final destination was to the extreme end – Tendru.


A moment break at Namlakha, the highest point on Phuntsholing – Samtse highway enlightened on various places the highway passes through and the view of lowland was wide and clear. Far into and through village unknown, the view of beautiful mountain ranges ease from the rays protected by blanket of clouds.

Mesmerizing beauty of green paddies from Chengmari until Tendru made the day on top of the newly resurfaced road.

Beautiful paddy on the way

The halt at old Gola bazaar and the taste of Puri breakfast with local special curry was yet another memoir to remember. However, Changmari cake that is said to be the first homemade cake in the country was the best.

Gola Bazaar Puri and Chengmari cake

Journey to and fro from Phuntsholing township development site until Amochu bridge was gruesome and rigour. Hot weather with cloud of dust is not a good combination.

Backed into the campus, the same old work with new perspectives and energy, the wander begins yet again.

If you want to gain enough of the subject – Construction Management, College of Science and Technology is not a wrong choice. I am proud first batch of students studying Masters in Construction Management; 6 years of gap after my undergraduate from the same college. Welcome to pursue Masters in Construction Management. However, profound disclaimer is, unlike Australia and other universities of foreign countries, there is no handsome remuneration or part-time job, but you get the full monthly salary if you are government and corporate employee. 

You are likely to be rich enough with subject knowledge after 18 months! 

College campus

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Monday, August 23, 2021

རྩོམ་རྗོད་ཚིག་བདུན་མ། - ༥









Photo from University of Newcastle 

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

An Idle Gate

Idle – thee stands lone forever,

Frame – beholds thy form stand sturdy,

Color – persist an eternity whenever…

Thee shalt make unto CST graven image.

Idle gate unique to the changing greenery of campus. 

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