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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Philosophical Random Debate on Life!!

A child will be born. He will be born out of duty or love. He’ll be born to diverse background with same trait of not to become a liar. Every child is not born a liar. The moment he is kick out from the womb, he is thrown into the world of partiality, hardhearted, hatred, bully …, Only few are thrown into the world of sympathy, adore, concern and empathy. The entire babies have the same mind, the mind that possesses courage, fear and mercy. Mind it! You are born for the purpose.

The moment he is born, he cries. He shed tears. He shed the tears of joyous, Joyous to see the world through the lens of divine dynasty of his times. And now he is a baby. He is a baby that will cry for another baby’s cry. He will show distinct preferences to adult who help rather than hinder others. He’ll offer unsolicited help to the adult who struggle to reach something.

Yet times will teach him to change accordingly. Times are good and times are bad. In the aroma of romance there is always the setback and prompt that has to be considered and move on though. The times of bad surrounding drive him to the hell as ever he may expect in his life time. The realm of hatred, denial, rejection, and the entire bad fortune will teach him to be the most terror person in the world. And that’s why you will see people giving life for vengeance. When he is driven into the society of compassion and sympathy he will be adorn with respect and prestige. This is where he will see the real human in him. And if possible he will change world for all times to come.

He has characters. The character to love and to see the world revolving for the cause, yet he won’t feel the revolution. By the time he will be into the real consciousness of what is within him, to be human, he will be too late. The repentance will not help to heal the past. His present and past will show not even a single hint for his future. And thus it is of utmost importance that he lives in the world of consciousness of present, past and the future.

This is my simple thought, the thought of how to be a good human at least to self and at the max to the world. I know not nothing except the jovial to enjoy as speaking lord, the luxury of possessing thinking power and the necessity of being good. I will use my privilege to request all human on earth to change world not for at your times only but for all times to come.

Be happy and good luck.

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  1. You made me remember the poem 'All the world's a stage' written by William Shakespeare. Your post is as philosophical as that poem. Loved it bro. Keep bringing more!

    1. Thank you Sherab and I find these little human values we lack to instill in our children!!

  2. If the entire world sing the same lyrics as in your post, I bet life would be incredible on earth.
    But can we believe it? The world is now broadening the gap of ego and discrimination leading to so much of death.
    Anyway, let us do the small things in a great way. Those small things will make the biggest difference.
    Nice one indeed.

    1. Thank you Damcho sir for the insightful thought. Hope world will learn and bring peace...

  3. More people should look to do good in this world instead of always hurting others ... This would bring more joy into the world... Good post Sangay :)

  4. Nice reading!!!
    My immediate response after reading :"Time will not change but people will" ~Guru Rinpoche. Similarly people are changing either to good or bad by saying time is changing.
    Lets be good ourselves to avoid harming others. Individual duty in shaping our attitude is demanding to create a peaceful society.

    1. Thank you Jigme for your say.. May we change our attitude and live peacefully..

  5. What a beautiful thought. I agree with you! I love how you started it off in the first paragraph. I immediately had to read it. And I'm glad I did.

    1. hehe.. Thank you Babrina for dropping here by.. welcome back again in future...

  6. This piece of writing is a clear depiction of your intuition in the world within which took its manifestation in the world without in the form of beautiful lines. Keep on writing.

  7. yes, all babies are born pure and equal. but time makes them different.

    1. Namastee and Thank you Natasha for dropping by... keep visiting...


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